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| OPERATE <op(<bin>, params...)>[with_policy(<map policy>),] [<op(<bin>, params...)> with_policy (<map policy>) ...] ON <ns>[.<set>] where PK=<key>
<op> name of operation to perform. <bin> is the name of a bin. <params> parameters for operation. <map policy> map operation policy. <ns> is the namespace for the records to be queried. <set> is the set name for the record to be queried. <key> is the record's primary key.
OP LIST_APPEND (<bin>, <val>) LIST_INSERT (<bin>, <index>, <val>) LIST_SET (<bin>, <index>, <val>) LIST_GET (<bin>, <index>) LIST_POP (<bin>, <index>) LIST_REMOVE (<bin>, <index>) LIST_APPEND_ITEMS (<bin>, <list of vals>) LIST_INSERT_ITEMS (<bin>, <index>, <list of vals>) LIST_GET_RANGE (<bin>, <startindex>[, <count>]) LIST_POP_RANGE (<bin>, <startindex>[, <count>]) LIST_REMOVE_RANGE (<bin>, <startindex>[, <count>]) LIST_TRIM (<bin>, <startindex>[, <count>]) LIST_INCREMENT (<bin>, <index>, <numeric val>) LIST_CLEAR (<bin>) LIST_SIZE (<bin>) MAP_PUT (<bin>, <key>, <val>) [with_policy (<map policy>)] MAP_PUT_ITEMS (<bin>, <map>) [with_policy (<map policy>)] MAP_INCREMENT (<bin>, <key>, <numeric val>) [with_policy (<map policy>)] MAP_DECREMENT (<bin>, <key>, <numeric val>) [with_policy (<map policy>)] MAP_GET_BY_KEY (<bin>, <key>) MAP_REMOVE_BY_KEY (<bin>, <key>) MAP_GET_BY_VALUE (<bin>, <value>) MAP_REMOVE_BY_VALUE (<bin>, <value>) MAP_GET_BY_INDEX (<bin>, <index>) MAP_REMOVE_BY_INDEX (<bin>, <index>) MAP_GET_BY_RANK (<bin>, <rank>) MAP_REMOVE_BY_RANK (<bin>, <rank>) MAP_REMOVE_BY_KEY_LIST (<bin>, <list of keys>) MAP_REMOVE_BY_VALUE_LIST (<bin>, <list of vals>) MAP_GET_BY_KEY_RANGE (<bin>, <startkey>, <endkey>) MAP_REMOVEBY_RANGE (<bin>, <startkey>, <endkey>) MAP_GET_BY_VALUE_RANGE (<bin>, <startval>, <endval>) MAP_REMOVE_BY_VALUE_RANGE (<bin>, <startval>, <endval>) MAP_GET_BY_INDEX_RANGE (<bin>, <startindex>[, <count>]) MAP_REMOVE_BY_INDEX_RANGE (<bin>, <startindex>[, <count>]) MAP_GET_BY_RANK_RANGE (<bin>, <startrank> [, <count>]) MAP_REMOVE_BY_RANK_RANGE (<bin>, <startrank> [, <count>]) MAP_CLEAR (<bin>) MAP_SET_TYPE (<bin>, <map type>) MAP_SIZE (<bin>) TOUCH () READ (<bin>) WRITE (<bin>, <val>) PREPEND (<bin>, <val>) APPEND (<bin>, <val>) INCR (<bin>, <numeric val>)
OPERATE LIST_APPEND(listbin, 1), LIST_APPEND(listbin2, 10) ON test.demo where PK = 'key1' OPERATE LIST_POP_RANGE(listbin, 1, 10) ON test.demo where PK = 'key1'